What are some of the ways you stay fit and healthy?

What are some of the ways you stay healthy? Share your tips so others can benefit as well.  A lot of times people make excuses for why they can't keep their weight under control.  One of the main things I hear is I'm too busy, I have kids, I can't afford the gym.  There are so many things we can do- walk on our lunch breaks, take the stairs instead of the elevator drink water instead of soda. While sitting watching your favorite program grab some weights and do a few sets of arm curls. Below are a few tips

Easy at home exercises!

Chime in below on some of the exercises you do at home or at work to stay fit!


  1. Cardio for 15 mins. Weights for 15 mins. Fat burner (basketball or water aerobics for 15 mins weights for 15 mins. I do everything really fast with 15 second rests


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