Ray Rice elevator incident with his wife Janay Palmer.

By now we have all heard or know what happened to Ray Rice. I decided to have a conversation with some of the folks on my Facebook about what happened so I can get the different views and opinions about what their thoughts were on the incident.  There is more to this situation than what we the public have viewed.  There are many questions that we all have.  Has this happened before? Was this an isolated incident? Ray Rice's wife spoke out about how she felt about what has happened to her family blaming the media for all that they are going through and defending her husband.  For all we know maybe this woman has been beat down mentally and this is why she is defending her husband or maybe not.  Keep in mind she still married him after the fight.  What we all saw that captured our attention was the punch he dealt her that left her unconscious. His contract has been terminated and he has lost his endorsements with Nike, Madden etc.  But below you can see what the group had to say about what happened.

Bethany:  Yesterday I was more fired up because of the video.  I do not agree or condone anything this man has done.  He's been released from his team, suspended indefinitely, dropped from all endorsement deals.  What I do not agree with is the world thinks this man and his family should be completely cut off or ostracized.

Mac:  Their contract has a morality clause so when they sign the contract not only are they agreeing to take the millions, but they are also agreeing to behave in a certain manner on and off the field. He violated the contract so they terminated the contract had he killed her he would have been in jail or sentenced to death depending on the state.  As an adult he has to take responsibility for his actions and this may mean looking for a regular job like you and I.  Who should we actually feel sorry for here him or his wife?  Or should we just call him a woman beater who got what he deserve? They say every action causes a reaction and this is theirs. 

Eric:  I am not condoning what he did but when are women going to stop antagonizing men especially black men (whether in the public eye or not) to the point that a man has to strike a woman that he loves or just involved with? From the tape you can clearly see she provoked the situation beyond words. He could've walked away before entering the elevator.  Why do women feel the constant need to get in a mans face usually compiled with words like "b*tch hit me" I dare you that gets on a mans nerve.  We can explore the aspect of this discussion.

Feel free to chime in and add your feedback to the discussion. 



  1. After calming down from the initial shock of the video I have come to the conclusion that I feel bad for both of them. This is what happens as we move towards a police state with big brother watching. Of course none of us condone domestic abuse or violence but I feel that if she decided to let this go...it's none of our business. Because the video was leaked the nfl and others who employ him have to respond but there are many things that go on between man and wife good and bad that is their business....not for the world to see.

  2. I believe they both are at fault and I can just imagine what goes on behind closed doors. This is not the first brawl, it's just the first bawl that has been shown to the public. She married him because she loves him and wants her family and none of us know their past. They could have been raised in abusive homes or even abused as children. They could be broken and this is somewhat normal to them. They both need help...... Also there is a whole lot of abuse/domestic violence that goes on within the NFL, NBA, Police Officers, Congress, and anyone. abuse does not discriminate but what does is people. I believe the NFL seen this tape and buried it deep in the earth until someone paid TMZ to be the wolf in sheep's clothing so that someone could get Ray Rice out of there. I don't believe he should loose everything especially if he has taken steps to create a better future and environment for him and his family. I'm not perfect and I know how easy it is to loose my cool so what makes him different ? He is human also. Loved reading all the different views :) P.S. Ray Rice said this is a Lynching of him and his career

  3. She ruined her own life by accepting a man a football player at that punching her in the face... Good lawd. That was her ticket to run and get rich stuff the same damn time. Take some seat Mrs. Rice you getting therapy on Wat not to accept you just need the world to help ya


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