Do you ask your significant other before making a change to your hair?

I asked a few people (men and women) if when making a change to their hair, would they ask their significant other below is how the conversation went

Holly Wrote:  I consult …however the ultimate decision is mine.

Dorien Wrote:  Not where I come from, no offense but if you have long hair and that makes me happy looking at you I be DAMN if you gonna take that away.  I'll be away.

Holly Wrote:  It grows back Dorien! Sometimes it's nice to switch it up....make you feel like you have a new woman! When my husband cut off his locks it was sexy to I was having an affair!

Charo Wrote:  I do the same run it by him then decide on what I want to do

Charo Wrote:   A new haircut can uplift a woman so much & agreeing with Holly, it's only hair. If a new "do" makes your woman happy so be it, if you're willing to leave her because of a hair cut then obviously there are other serious issues there, like control.

Petra wrote:  yes, it's important to include them in the process. even though the ultimate decision is yours, you feel better knowing that they will embrace your new do (or wont).

Darnell wrote:   I love how women try to make relationships not based off sexual attraction.....ummmmm your hair,  figure, and face is why we got to know you...why would you think just because we have been together for a while that its cool for you to change it to something we don't

Charo Wrote:   A new haircut can uplift a woman so much & agreeing with Holly, it's only hair. If a new "do" makes your woman happy so be it, if you're willing to leave her because of a hair cut then obviously there are other serious issues there, like control.

Dorien wrote:  Then that word comes out, "control" , guess men can't like something or not like something and want it to stay that way without being titled a controller, or controlling...there was a time when your man or woman's opinion about their style or dress meant something..REMEMBER THIS:  “honey how does this look on me?" that's universal too!!!

Lenny Wrote:  The wife always checks with me first, but I wouldn’t be upset if she didn’t

Dorien Wrote:  Yes Darnell, that’s what I’m saying, if  I fell in love with you this way, don’t just change it without talking to me first.  Erika Badu is beautiful but her hair long to me is ridiculous, but short is afro centric!

Dorien Wrote:  I understand those with medical purposes, I can respect any and all but not checking isn’t respectful, it’s selfish

Holly Wrote:  I’m glad my husband likes me in all phases especially having three daughters who love to experiment with their look he will them what he likes or doesn’t like but never to an extreme.

Manny Wrote:  I feel that either way whether boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife you job is to keep your mate off of another so if you value your mates opinion it wouldn't be a bad idea to pass it by them.

.......and there you have it ladies and gentlemen  from what I observed from this conversation the men want to be consulted first, they like what they like and would prefer a heads up.  As you can see there were certain reasons why they were attracted to the women in their lives so according to them just switching it up without their input wouldn't go over well (yikes).  The women seem to be in agreement with this to a point, they will let you know but ultimately if they feel like a new do, then a new do is what it's going to be.  This was an interesting conversation and we will do it again soon!

Thank you to all of my followers.  I always appreciate your feedback!



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