The fascination or obsession with the celebrity lifestyle.

I asked a few people for their thoughts on why they think celebrities are celebrated/worshiped more so than their own family or neighborhood community leaders.  

Here's what they had to say:

Edgar:  The problem is ultimately consumerism and the consumer mind set which is the root of this issue which the media played a big part in. To make this as short as possible propaganda was only used in war time to get the country behind them. They(corporations) figured out that you can do the same thing during peace time to get people to buy things around the World War 1 period. The word propaganda had a negative connotation so they called it public relations a term coined by Edward Bernays who was basically that dude when it came to that in that era. All of that led to psycho analysis(mainly Freud's theories about us being driven by subconscious desires and feelings) being used by corporations to switch the mind set of people from a needs to a want society. Using celebrities was part of that programming. There is a lot more to this although yall should do the Knowledge to Edward Bernays(who was Freud's nephew by the way) and read his book propaganda so you can see it straight from the source. This is all actual fact.

The OtherCatwoman:  I think some people are simply blinded by the perceived glamorous life, fame and money, beautiful homes people waiting on you hand and foot, and all the special perks of being famous (i.e. being considered a vip).  The media makes the lifestyle seem so wonderful, with some exception, with all of the media coverage of their every move and the shows dating back to "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" to MTV cribs:, etc.  Life can appear so much more perfect than the ho hum lives we lead everyday.  In reality, everyone has problems.  The family/community leader seems much more attainable and similar to peoples real lives.  Some may also view fortune from fame as easy, versus the hard world and personal sacrifice involved in leading a community full of people you know, some of which may make achieving your goals that much more difficult (hard work).  But that just my opinion!

Steve:  All those shows that come in after the National News
(aka the pharmaceutical hour) . TMZ, Access Hollywood, etc just glorify celebs as if they are Gods!
I don't have an answer for this if enough people stopped watching that crap they wouldn't have any ratings and they would disappear . It's just so sad that these mostly talentless buffoons are looked up to by the ... Well.. I hate to say this but the dumbed down population!

 Styles4u_Remixed:  Very valid and accurate statements in regards to this issue.  Thank you all for your feedback.



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